Tuesday, March 19

GBP/AUD H4 & Daily Elliott Wave Analysys

New Elliott Wave count of GBPAUD here.

 On Daily chart one can see, that the last sell off was wave 3 of overall cycle and there is a need for one more wave to the downside:
Na wykresie dziennym widac, ze ostatnia silna sprzedaz  to byla fala 3 calego cyklu i dlatego potrzebna jest jeszcze jedna fala w d�l aby zakonczyc pelen cykl:

On H4 chart one can see a corrective formation is being formed: it is either on Triangle (main) or Irregular Flat form (alternate):
Na wykresie H4 widac, ze sa mozliwe dwie formacje fali 4: Tr�jkat lub Korekta Prosta :

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